Vacation to Mexico - 5 things I learned

Hi guys,
I’m in Mexico, YAY!

Here are 5 surprising things I learned during my trip:

5) Be respectful of nature
So I thought I was a badass and I totally went off the trails! I wanted an adventure, but I ended up on a cliffside… Then I thought it would be an excellent idea to CLIMB ROCKS to get to the other side. Not a brilliant idea. There are cactuses on the rocks. Cactus don’t want you near them. I got stabbed by one. I had to take my shirt off and wrap it around my bleeding wound. At that moment I saw a house. I was like OMG IT’S A HOUSE. I AM SAFE but it was a bee keeping house.

4) It's okay to relax sometimes
Look guys, I really struggled with what to write about this week. I didn’t have a topic. I didn’t have a topic!! What am I struggling with? I said to myself, can’t I thoroughly enjoy this fantastic trip and not look for problems. I mean, it’s beautiful here in Mexico. So, I don't want to think about my problems, and that's okay. Just enjoy!

3) We take modern conveniences for granted
Here where I’m staying is super off the grid; no electricity at night. When you go to the toilet if it’s yellow, you let it mellow. Drinking water is a premium. The experience forces you to think about, are we taking our modern conveniences for granted? Frankly, I don’t miss electricity and flushing every time. It’s good to be in an environment where you have to honor your resources.

2) It’s about focus
I was on my phone, and I was like...oh my god...I can’t believe Johnny said that on social media. And oh my goodness, the drama. At that moment I thought, why am I focusing on the drama, when I have this gorgeous view? I realized that it really is a matter of choosing how to focus your energy in the direction of what you want to feel. I want to feel at peace and calm. I don’t want to be in judgement or frustration, and it undoubtedly is a choice. There’s an amazing view right in front of me. It’s about how I choose to focus on what is around me to create my experience; which gives me back my power.

I think about when I sit in traffic. I can focus on the traffic or breathe and focus on breathing while driving. I get to determine my experience.

1) A wonderful tool for self-discovery
I was looking at the water, and my friend Iggy asked me, “What do you observe about the water? Why are you so entranced with the water?” I said to him, “As I follow the waves crashing in, I am blown away by how powerful they are, and I love it. I love how flexible the water is. How clear it is and transparent. It doesn't pull any punches. Iggy said, “The powerful, flexible and transparent things you identify in the ocean might be something that you admire in yourself and what you admire in others.”


He was right.
I love powerful, flexible and transparent people who are who they are. Who live life with vigor. I do try to experience my life in this way. Those are values that I would like to exemplify.

Next time you are somewhere and you are entranced with something ask yourself, “What are the qualities of this that draws you?” Identify that and try to align with those qualities and or values.

I really want to take the time this week to honor being here in nature. I am extremely grateful that I get to share this and thank you for being here.


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