How To Be Brilliant

Hey Guys!
We all want to be brilliant. Being brilliant sounds good in theory, but what does being brilliant mean?
This week's topic on being brilliant was inspired by Jennifer Love Hewitt. Confused? Okay, let me tell you what happened. I was watching the Betty White Documentary because I like to say that I was raised by some of the toughest women ever, my single grandmother and the Golden Girls. So I learned how to fight for my Barbies! Thank you for being a friend, bitch! POP! You’re a PAL AND A CONFIDANT. Betty White is absolutely amazing. She’s so nice and friendly and so cute. Back in the day, she fought to hire black actors amidst ignorant prejudices in the entertainment industry. I mean, she’s just so perfect. I am a devoted fan and not just cause I’m a gay.

Betty White worked in television during the 1940s and she comprehended everything about production; from sound to lights. In her early days in Hollywood, the industry didn’t include crews. So she had to take on the production roles too. When she got her own TV show, she really did a good job of producing.

Jennifer Love Hewitt was interviewed in the documentary. She said, “I really respect Betty. She was not only a talented actor but she used all her knowledge of the producing medium which allowed her to make her projects brilliant.” I got teary eyed. I never would have dreamed that I would get teary eyed from a quote by Jennifer Love Hewitt. I mean, in her film I Know What You Did Last Summer, I know what she did last summer but I wouldn’t have cried about it!

“She used all her knowledge of the producing medium which allowed her to make her projects brilliant.”

Jennifer’s quote spoke to me because it’s so true about life.

I dated this guy who was super sweet and he is a great person, down there. He has a big heart too. He longs to do good for the world, and he’s a gentle soul. In areas of his life in where he doesn't have insecurities, he shines. In the area of relationships, he was not ‘all out” of the closet. He was a bi-sexual riddled with guilt over how his bi-sexuality was ultimately the reason his marriage ended. Not one person in his life knew about his interest in men. So he drank a lot and was quite insecure. So in the area of relationships, he did not have the ability to allow his good heart to shine through. He had mental blocks. I learned from having been in a relationship with this man; it's not about having a heart of gold. The heart of gold is only as beautiful as you are willing to let shine through.

You can have the fanciest biggest television in the world but if your home is cluttered no one can see the TV. All people can see is CRAP everywhere. Hoarders. Those people live in beautiful homes, and they have dead cats because they get lost in all the crap and can't make their way out. Literally people on that show don’t know where fluffy went! She ran away...
Only they find out during the decluttering process, fluffy was hidden under an old Doritos Wrap and rolls of gift wrapping paper; purchased JUST IN CASE they needed more wrapping paper!

What's the point?
To paraphrase Jennifer Love Hewitt, You can have everything in the world. If you are not taking care to allow that to be brilliant, all you are left with is clutter.

I’ve battled eating issues. So I have a tendency to think I am overweight. For like 20 years I always wore pants that were way too big. I looked straight out of the 1990s:
blocky, white, faded jeans. Until a good friend of mine, Mikey Scott had a come to Jesus moment with me. He said, “Aidan... but why?” I said, “I don't know… my thighs are big!” To which he said, “I’m bringing you some skinny jeans, and you have to wear them on stage. Just try them.” After putting the jeans on I literally felt like I was wearing spandex but I showed up wearing the skinny jeans.

I have a group of gay boys who I text with. Most of the text time is spent asking innocent asking questions like, What's a top and bottom? If you don’t know what that is go look it up.
When I showed up in my skinny jeans, the boys said, “Aidan you have great calves!” They’re right I used to dance ballet. I started wearing the jeans more. Mikey kept giving me pairs because he worked for a fashion company, and wearing the jeans did elevate my style.

It’s the same with everything else. To what degree are you honoring and valuing what you have? Do you feel all that you have is worthy? Do you feel worthy of letting yourself shine through?
Be brave enough to look within. Find what works for you. Learn what you have been doing that doesn't work for you and discover the gold that you have within yourself. Once you do, your job is to work on your mental position so you can leave behind any insecurity. Then you may truly appreciate the gold aspect of you and let it shine through. Take all that you have and make it brilliant. Allow people to see your gold. VALUE YOURSELF Let the rest of us enjoy your brilliant bright light.That is how you can be brilliant.

For more on this read my blog post: You Must Fight To See Your Own Value
Have a wonderful week!



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