One of the things I really like to encourage people to do, is to be themselves; this can be difficult. In this episode of Coach Yay-dan, I will identify a good guide for staying true to who you are.
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I don't know if you’ve picked this up about me yet.I really enjoy being STOOOPID.
Not stupid, STOOOPID. Silly! Being STOOPID has gotten me in trouble. I laugh at my own jokes. I don’t care I think I’m hilarious. People say I sound like SpongeBob. I look like him too, yellow, and with a square jaw.

Actually, a guy told me to laugh at your own jokes is like writing a book and then writing your own review. I was like… I’ve done that too. Ha ha! If it's good, it's good!
It’s safe to say I’ve been very good at fitting in. After I had written my book, it turned into an empowerment tool. I started coaching people and talking about empowerment. I was like...oh my god! Maybe this means I need to reel in my STOOPID.

So I was like…okay, what do I do?
Do I wear a button down shirt? I hate button down shirts. I especially hate wearing a button down shirt when shooting my videos. I record in my own living room, talking into a box. So button down shirts? They are itchy and take too long to put on. I mean, a whole 30 seconds, you know… I could be checking Instagram instead. Do I need to talk more seriously? I like to shoot short funny skits. Do I need to make those more serious?

Let’s face it, I sound like a Valley Gurl. Because I’m a 17-year-old girl trapped in an Asian basketball player’s body but I can’t bounce balls. I can bounce balls this way…Use your imagination.
So with jokes that that I love and with my Valley Girl accent, how will I ever be taken seriously?

I asked people...
Why do you want to listen to me?

Here are the responses:
“Aidan, you seem extremely content."
“You genuinely seem to march to your own drum."
“You seem like you are true to that.”
“You constantly look like you’re having fun.”

I thought to myself, those answers are all absolutely true!
Sometimes I'm standing on line at the post office, and I start laughing. I
amuse myself. I think about cute things. Like a pillow with words on them.
Aren’t those cute word PILLOW hahaha!

I like that. I like amusing myself. I like naughty jokes. I like having fun. I really enjoy who I am. But I also love empowerment and goals, strategies, and looking for more ways to be happy.
Then I realized something. The implementation of the empowerment, goals and strategies is actually the reason why I am the way I am. Because what is life really about? For me, it’s about finding authentic joy. Why do we want to feel empowered? So we feel like we have some efficacy in this world. Which means we feel we are the cause for things that happen around us. Which gives us a feeling of strength and hope and optimism; which contributes to our joy.

Why do I spend so many hours researching mechanics of emotion? So that I can identify where I have blockages. So that I learn to release them so that I can be free to be, JOYFUL.
Why do I study and learn about my personal values? So that I can look within and figure out what is important to me. So that I’m able to design a life that serves what is important to me; so that I can be joyful! Also, at the root is the idea of freedom.
Freedom to cultivate my life. Identifying emotional blocks frees me from that which is holding me back. Identifying my values frees me from things that don't serve my values.

I am all about freedom and joy. And to stay authentic to that idea,
I must stay true to what makes me light up behind the eyes. You guys, this is precisely how you know you are on track in the joy department.

If you are a painter and you experience a spark of joy while in your zone, THAT is what you must do your best to stay true to.

If you are a person who loves peace and quiet, THAT is what you must stay true to.
If you are a surfer and you love movement and action and surfing makes you light up, THAT is what you stay true to.

What makes me light up? Empowerment stuff. I'd nerd out about empowerment stuff all day. But also, I like being STOOPID. Guys, it’s fun makes and me happy. I think I’m damn funny. So I am choosing to cultivate my life so that I can talk about empowerment, as well as, and being efficient. I won’t deny that which makes me happy BEING STOOPID (in the right moments).

Empowerment and being STOOPID, a very unlikely combination but it's who I am.
I am proud that I have an opportunity to cultivate something that is authentically and genuinely me.

My hope for you is that you can take a look and identify what LIGHTS YOU UP!
Figure out your values. Click the GET YAY LINK and take your values test to see what really sparks you, and stay true to that.
Be true to who you are. Don’t listen to the little critic in your head or the peanut gallery, never mind them; you can overcome them and stay true to what sparks joy in you! That is authentic joy.

Love you guys!
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Aidan Park
Follow me on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter! @aidanparkshow


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