Managing Loneliness
Guys! It's Valentine’s Day this weekend - WHOOPIE! For some of you it's going be a day of sweet sweet lovin’. For others, a reminder of lonely existence; especially during a time like Covid!
Remaining Strong in the Face of Adversity
This post was created as a response to the State Capitol takeover that occurred 1/6/2021. When you are facing something that feels as terrible as what took place, it's easy to feel hopeless, disempowered and pessimistic about the world.
Being Grateful for Your YAY-EST Life
Being thankful is literally the number one tool for a happier life.
Happiness Hack for When You Feel BLAH!
During these times, I think it’s safe to say we’d all benefit from ‘happiness hacks.’ I learned a major one inspired by a domestic abuse survivor. Today, I’ll share a ‘happiness hack’ that takes little effort and has major gains!
Lessons On Choking, Guest Blogger: Julien Michael
I know you can relate to some part of this story. Pride, ego made me more afraid of embarrassment than death. What led me to lock myself in a bathroom stall rather than ask for help.
Listening To Your Emotions
When I feel discontent and find myself projecting a sense of well-being on an object, person or life circumstance, I stop. I identify what is behind my longing and try to provide that emotion for myself.