My father was dying; US immigration would not let me attend his funeral in Pakistan - 5 things I learned
My father was dying; US immigration would not let me attend his funeral in Pakistan - 5 things I learned
Rediscovering my worthiness: 5 things I learned
Raising a child on the spectrum: 5 things I learned
Raising a child on the spectrum: 5 things I learned
Raising a child on the spectrum: 5 things I learned
When I had suicidal thoughts: 5 things I learned
When I had suicidal thoughts: 5 things I learned
Being the bad twin: 5 things I learned
What was it like for Comedian Pauline Yasuda to grow up being an evil twin?
How I function as a working mom comedian: 5 things I learned
How does Comedian Jiaoying Summers juggle being a comedian, business woman and mom?
Healing my relationship with my mother - 5 things I learned
I have a great relationship with my mother, now. She is someone I call for emotional support and vice versa. However, our relationship has not always been so perfect.
From broke to multi-millionaire: 5 things I learned
“Know your mindset is everything.” From the Blog: From Broke To Multi-Millionaire
I was betrayed - 5 things I learned
This week I was betrayed by a friend who I thought I could trust. I learned important lessons from this experience.
Why gay is yay!
I love being a member of the LGBTQ community. I think we are remarkable. If you are member of the LGBTQ community, I want to talk to you about one reason why LGBTQ people are so awesome.
How to really enjoy your friends
This week, I learned a lesson about friendship. The lesson really deepened my appreciation for my friends.
Sameness in humanity
Our lives in this world can feel overwhelming at times. It's easy to forget, that everyone is doing their best and at the core, we are all the same. I want to talk about the ‘sameness’ in our humanity.
Staying In The Game During Hard Times
To be resilient means to stay in the game when things get tough.In I will break down a mindset you can take to increase your resiliency.
Deep Wounds That Trigger!
Trigger Warning! Today, I’m talking about deep emotional wounds and triggers. What are the mechanics of emotional wounds and triggers. All of us have triggers. So how do we manage them?
Dating Advice: A “Good Heart” Means Very Little
Tough love time. This episode is inspired by many of my girlfriends who call me for advice. A good meaning heart means very little when it comes to what people have to offer in relationships.
How To Manage Shame
Shame sucks.
Shame sucks on so many levels because it doesn't end because you can feel ashamed for feeling ashamed for feeling ashamed, you get it…
How To Be Brilliant
We all want to be brilliant. Being brilliant sounds good in theory, but what does being brilliant mean?